Our Mission

NLCC's Mission is to...

1. Evangelize the lost (Mk 16:15).

To evangelize the lost we will use both invitational and turf events.  We will have at least one evangelistic event every month.  We will also seek a variety of ways and programs to reach our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Discipling the brethren (Mt 28:19-20).

To disciple the body we will use both training/seminars/classes and life-on-life discipleship.  This will include the use of discipleship books and curriculum pertinent to the life of the church.  All discipleship will be focused to help the church to become spiritually mature and unified.

3. Pray for the assembly of believers and for God’s will for the church (Ac 1:14).

To pray as a community of believers we will be dedicated to pray for the church and our community.  Prayer will be the fuel to drive the church.  The weekly prayer meeting will be the center of the church to bring our requests to God and to hear from Him for His direction for the church.  There will be focused prayer before each worship service to consecrate the service to His glory.  The council of elders primary focus will be to silent pray to listen to God for His direction in leading the church and praying for the church.

4. Worship God in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:23-24).

To worship God in Spirit and Truth as a community we will have weekly times of corporate worship which will include: Singing contemporary praise/worship music, testimony (Testify), Children’s lesson, Prayer, sermons, Communion and baptisms.  It is our desire that all who come to be a part of this body will have the freedom to worship in the way God directs them to; whether that be in clapping, dancing, exercising spiritual gifts, listening, raising hands, etc.

5. Fellowship with one another in Biblical community (1 Jn 1:7).

To fellowship we will have activities that facilitate deeper community.  We will invest in small groups for deeper Bible Study and connecting.  We will have monthly pot-lucks that coincide with activities that foster connection and relationships.  We will aspire to have monthly fellowship events that create a safe place to begin to develop relationships within the body.



To fulfill this vision we will be committed to (this is the expectation of all Christians who are in committed relationship to each other)...

1. Understanding of the truth established in the scriptures.

2. Being led and filled with the Holy Spirit.

3. Biblical leadership.

4. Evangelistic efforts which includes both invitational and turf events.

5. Discipling and being discipled to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

6. Praying as a community in order to commune with God and hear from Him for His direction.

7. Fellowship that builds deep relationships within the church for care, support, accountability and spiritual growth.

8. Spiritual gifts and their use; for the building up of the church body.

9. Planting churches to fulfill the great commandment and great commission.