The following is a description of the kind of disciple of Jesus we desire to build as a part of our community.
1. Prayerful Dependance.
This quality is personified in the character of Daniel. Read about him in Daniel 6.
Key Passages: Dan 6:10; Matt 6:5-8; 1 Thess 5:17
Definition: A disciple who goes to God for all decisions and gives thanks in all things.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple will understand key verses on prayer, the power of prayer and what the purpose of prayer is. A disciple will have a daily deep prayer time. A disciple prays openly before other believers. A disciple will have an attitude of praying in all situations. A disciple will be known to pray for people on the spot, when given request, even if it causes them to be late. A disciple is known to consult God on all things.
2. Loves the Lost
This quality is personified in the character of Andrew. Read about him in John 1:29-42.
Key Passages: Eze 34:16; Matt 18:13-14; Mk 12:31; Luke 19:10
Definition: A disciple who purposefully builds relationships with lost people to lead them to Jesus.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple will understand key verses which can be used to lead someone to a relationship with Jesus. A disciple understands the truth of salvation. A disciple will prioritize lost friends and be able to lead them to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. A disciple has an attitude of compassion for the lost and wants to see their lost friends accept Jesus. A disciple is known to be a positive influence on people for the sake of Christ.
3. Passion for God
This quality is personified in the character of David. Read about him in 2 Sam 6
Key Passages: Mk 12:30; Jn 4:24; Eph 5:19-20
Definition: A disciple who has a heart to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands that there is more than one way to worship God and that worship is meant to give God His worth. A disciple expresses love for God no matter the style of worship and season of life. A disciple has an attitude that is open to different styles of worship and is focused on God. A disciple is known to be in love with God. A disciple is seen giving all of themselves to God.
4. Encourages the Body
This quality is personified in the character of Barnabas. Read about him in Acts 9:26-31
Key Passages: Col 5:16; 2 Tim 4:2; Heb 10:25
Definition: A disciple who encourages believers through both word and deed.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands how to use the bible to teach, admonish and correct other believers. A disciple understands that by encouraging they are building-up. A disciple speaks the truth with love and uses words and deeds to build believers up in their faith. A disciple has an attitude that only seeks to build-up and cares about the heart and development of believers. People say that the disciple lifts them up.
5. Student of the Bible
This quality is personified in the character of Paul. Read about him in Acts 17:16-34
Key Passages: Ps 119:9-16, 105; 2 Tim 3:15-17
Definition: A disciple who actively studies the scriptures.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands how to study the Bible and that it is the Word of God. A disciple knows how to use biblical tools and understands how to apply the scriptures. A disciple has an attitude of, “not having already attaining it” and needs to continually study the scriptures. A disciple is known to be able to correctly use the scriptures and able to give and answer for they hope they have.
6. Deep Relationship with God
This quality is personified in the character of Elijah. Read about him in 1 Kings 19:9b-14
Key Passages: Ps 5; Matt 6:33, 7:7-8; Rev 3:20
Definition: A disciple who uses spiritual disciplines to deepen their relationship with God.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands what spiritual disciplines are and how to use them. A disciple is able to be quiet and still before God. A disciple wants to seek God’s face and is humbled by God. A disciple is known to live a radical life for God. A disciple is known for hearing and obeying God’s voice.
7. Lives Sacrifically
This quality is personified in the character of Stephen. Read about him in Acts 6-7.
Key Passages: Acts 20:35; Rom 12:1-2; 2 Cor 9:7; 2 Tim 2:11-13, 3:12
Definition: A disciple who gives of him or herself for the cause of Christ.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands that all he has is God’s. A disciple understands how to use their spiritual gifts. A disciple has an attitude that is willing to give all for Christ and puts others first. A disciple is known to share their faith no matter the reaction and gives no matter the cost.
8. Spiritually Aware
This quality is personified in the character of Paul. Read about him in Acts 16:16-18.
Key Passages: 2 Cor 10:3-4; Eph 6:10-18; I Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7; Mk 16:17.
Definition: A disciple who understands and is able to exercise the power that God has equipped the disciple, to overcome the forces of evil in the Spiritual world.
We will measure the presence of this quality across the following characteristics:
A disciple understands and knows how to use key verses related to the subject. A disciple understands that spiritual warfare is more than just exorcisms. A disciple realizes that God has equipped them with His power and authority over the spiritual world. A disciple discerns whether a situation is a spiritual attack or not. A disciple knows how to help a person who is dealing with demonic forces.